Monday, January 18, 2010

alright iv got a laptop and i know whats goin to some degree.
im goin to sydney to get a job and to keep ripping shit up. im gonna start this business of helping small companies with social media ec and general web info as well as maybe some seo for video etc...ill just work wit it and see what ppl need.
gonna have some fun in sydney plus work really hard!! gonna get as fit as humanly possible for me and get looking epic...iv gotta gt on top of everything ad start ruling with everything..its all coing along it just takes time of course..
i need to start doing lyrics for my songs and will start on here so i can get it done...which i will now that i have a lap top!!! new world...need a longer battery though.
ripping shit up though.
its all comin together like it shld i feel.
just gotta stop gettin seriously serves no purpose in my quest for what i want. you attract what you are.
momentum builds on momentum. never leave an idea without starting in some way. do things with everyday. get tidzz clothes. surf as much as possible!! play music when i can..keep learning and ripping shit up...yewwww doin well bro doin well!!!
i think i need a g/f too...been din so much work and tryin to get that shit sorted in my life and are ripping but wld be nice to have chick to cruise with...see how it plays out. im kinda keen though...none in this gay town though...syd is way better for chicks...need to stop being a bitch but and just charge with everything i see and guy doin social shit and ripping in a social way.

syched to hit america and south america and surf and have fun and travel around and shit...i fully need to bring it all together over the next two months though...this is a big effort needed here...i can do this shit too...just need to get in and take shit on...tim Ferris style shit that kicks ass...oh yeehhh..yewwww!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back To The Future

Alright im back on the playing field...spelling mistakes because i type fast and cant be fucked correcting...i know what i mean!!

Its nearly 2010!!! yep iv barely updated this in a year...what am i doing??? have i forgot the power of it seems..
so im back!!

been in sydney nearly all year...its been good..learnt a lot...more than i would realise....basically on top of alot of net marketing sutff and it will be really startin to come together very soon...i will surprise myself son i can tell.
Sam goes with my health and pickup type shit..
feeling healthier than i have in ages and it will expand till i reach the tultimate goals i have...I can basically see everything that iv wanted to achieve slowly coming into fruition and the more i see that more i realise im getting there and it is beyond huge!!!
creating the life i!!

alright my music is gettuing there...just to need to touch up some songs... i can clearly see the pathway that needs to be taken on all levels of what iw ant to so clearly...its right there

music: get the words finished and do some recordings, then market with the skills i have over then net and slowly buld confidence with simple.

wealth: basically know how to internet ,arket just have to take more action and get mor esites up si can test and track and fix all the bugs ou till im earning the income i want...its not hard...then learn to outsource everything to auoptpilot...tim ferris style.

health: I'm nearly there, with extra care on what i eat and respect for my body i can really achieve what i want pretty easily...

pu: my understanding is thorugh the roof and the more i get confidence and remember i cant help having ten game i will see amazing results...i just need to flow with what i know and get more experience...too easy.

travel: start next year, set up so i can live on the road and still create wealth and a life i desire...these skills and learning have been working up to this...even though i can now see it is all a part of it...i coudl have done it better and smarter but its kinda gone how it had too...iv been patient with the right eares and worked hard in others in the meantime and it is starting to pay off...i can see the possibilites...windwos and doorways are opening...taking action and creating the results will let me achieve unbeleivable things i never dreamed of...i truly belive this!!!!

I am truly goin to very soon start hitting the life iv been working for!!! this is crazy shit is really coming together will be way beyond what i cld have scopped for!!! i love my friends and family and need to respect and admire them more. Keep in contact with the ones i truly resonate with and keep them as life long friends...although i truly feel anyone i become friends with it is for life!!!

I need to get partners in more things i do!!! Most things i do!! I can see this now!!! it is really huge in making progress. iv always read it but overlooked it due to greed maybe and wanting to be number one...ego has made me want to be the single succesgful person rather than realising that true success is shared and can never be single anyway.

My mind is strong and understands what needs to be done and how to handle ups, downs and plateaus.

There are many achievements in my life and i feel my balance is starting to emerge.

I'm learning to give value again and it feels good. I still have trouble with doing it for reasons of gain rather than just because it will help the other person...i will continue to grow with this though.

I'm learning more and more everyday to not give a fuk what anyone thinks bcause it just doesnt matter. I know who i am. I know the value i give. I know what i can achieve and what im capable of. My opinion of myself is strong.

Im creating the life iv dreamed of day by day and i wont stop...the journey is my success!!!!

Its about lifestyle desing and learning how to manage and push it to where and how you want it to unfold..I am in control!! With what i choose i create the success of my journey..

2010 wil be bigger than any year so will have major breakthroughs and major biggest ones to come are in letting go more and realising to take it as it comes and that i dont have an answer for things....sometimes there is no answer. letting it be is what it is...nothing is ever exact...only probable..or can increase odds but neverr make anything exact or forever or perfect.
accept this and embrace this and life has a new perspective...liberating!!

2009 has seen me grow a lot even if it wasnt in massive obvious ways...a kind of plateau year compared to 2008 where things just exploded in my perceptions of life and the world.

I can already feel 2010 building with huge energy and just massive progress and momentum in where i want to go and who i want to is beaming from me and acheing to break free.

Things are about to start calibrating massively and the results will flow. With time and patience comes wisdom. Wisdom is strange in how it is usualy just a changed perception of the same things. You see what you couldnt before. So obviously. Usualy becasue your ego dissaptes and stops clouding your judgement.

Listen, take action, learn, listen and take more action. The skys the limit. x

Saturday, December 27, 2008

where I'm at

I'm in a very progressive place in my life! Definately the best state of mind I've ever experienced and certainly happier and more certain of who I am than I ever even knew was possible. I account this to a few things. 1. my parents
2. my ex g/f
3. traveling
4. eckhart tolle
5. learning social dynamics

these things have all had such a profound influence over my personality, way of thinking and perception on things that it's hard for me to express just how greatful I am to all of these elements.
I am lucky enough that I was raised by amazing people who were open minded, caring and loving beyond anything I can comprehend. Although I always used to be able to see the cracks and contradictions in a lot of what I was taught growing up. I can now see how it was the best information or possible solutions that could have been found at that point in my parents lives. Basically I'm trying to say that for the period that they were raising a family in and living a prime part of their parent lives they were at the forefront of what was basically possible to give to children in terms of way of life and knowledge and experience passed on for a growing child. Like I said looking back now I realise how amazing they truly were. Now in saying this , I am now much more knowledgeable in many areas of life and take great joy in being able to give back what I can as many of their generation, although still soo happy, are missing many links which most of society as we know it are only now discovering at a rapid pace. This of course is the link between mind, body and spirit as we know it in the universe. We are finally at a forefront of beginning to break free of alot of societies hold on us through religion and the age old " laws of living " and " what's possible" . It doesnt suprise me that the more we delve into spirituality we discover just how much it correlates to every single little thing we do in our lives and how it can so easily be transformed to work in our favour and give us life experiences that our wildest dreams hadn't thought possible. This by the way is no exageration!
So my parents were definately the grounding foundation that have helped me become the man I am today.They taught me knowledge of the world and pushed me into becoming a better person in every way. I account much of my love for the world from my hobbies and intrests ( music, surfing, sports ,love, family and travel) which came from my parents as they were very cultured life experienced people. So for everything they gave to me I am eternally thankful. I am sure that the craziness, socialness, looseness, adventuress spirit ,love and creativeness I hold in my personality are also direct pass downs from their own personalities, free spirits and experiences through life...again so thankful.

My ex g/f was a huge catalyst for others on the list ( although i think i would have found that direction anyway as I have always been very inquisitive on growing as a person). She allowed me to find love within my life at a massive level and gave me the oppoprtunity to truly give trust and my life to someone in a caring bond.She created experiences for me that were indescribable and opened new areas of my heart and soul that were untouched.She created indescribable pleasure and eventually excruitiating pain! which of course lead eventually back to pleasure in new ways for my life.
We had an amazing relationship which eventually fell apart due to me deciding to travel the world and leave her behind. As much as I loved her the call of the world and my adventures' spirit took hold and I had to follow what I felt was right for me as a person on a whole.
Now the breakup lead to a lot of heartache on my part and it caused me to take a major look at who I was and what I wanted from my life on many many levels. Basically it was a wake up call for me to realise the daydream I had been living in. Or to be more exact the FEAR I had been living in.Now when I say fear I refer to the fear of truly being who you want to be in this world. Which I believe is the biggest thing holding back nearly everyone in this world. Of course we have many little fears that hold us back in everyday living and they all need to be conquered one at a time but the ultimate fear of succeeding and truly being the ultimate person you dream of being is something everyone needs to personally adress. Now being the ultimate person you want to be most likely goes deep on many levels that you dont even realise and when you do start to delve into it you become clearer on just how much there is to achieve.
For me I aim to become truly a masculine man in the rawest sense. This does not mean macho although it does mean alpha. I refer to a true masculine man who is confident in "who" he is not "what" he is or what he feels he is perceived as and who comes from a deep place of love and respect for the world, himself and the people around us. This has nothing to do with ego whatsoever. Only a person who is truly present and egoless can conquer the fears he faces and become who he is meant to be in the true sense.Even typing about it gives me a good pure feeling throughout my body. A kind of fullfilling feeling that nothing else can really compare to.I think a feeling everyone truly desires deep down.
These realisations were first brought about to me by eckhart tolle in his book the power of now.It gave me a window into everything that was plaguing and troubling me thoughout my life as a whole. It awakened me into realising what was really going on around me and how oblivious I was to it all.I know this almost sounds like im saying i found the new "bible" and so i was enlightened. This is not the case.It did however open my eyes and strike a chord with me on a new level. It strikes a chord within you so intensely that it definately is a spiritual awakening to read the words in that book.For me anyway.
For many people the words spiritual awakening would be something to run from as it does sound religious or at least a bit too new wave to bother dealing with. And don't worry there was definately a time where i was of the exact same nature.Although i always felt the spiritual side inside of me especially being a surfer my whole life and loving wildlife and the world, I was definately not one to want to express any "spiritual related interests" as it never seemed cool or relevant to me at a younger age.It was more of a hippie type area and i was focused on being a surf punk kid and trying to talk to girls.Fair enough.
In wanting to grow and expand who I am as a man I have been lead to the area of communication and social dynamics.They are a major playing point in helping you create the world you desire for yourself.Mainly because your relationships with the people around you have a major part and direct correlation with your happiness, well being, positive emotions and experiences within your life.This also deals with being able to convey what you feel on the inside to the people around you on the outside ( although the deeper you look the more you will find that finding yourself on the inside will pretty much take care of the rest). This relates to relationships with families, friends, co workers and of course women.There will be many more posts on this area to come.
So when I say I am conquering my fears and becoming the man I truly want to be I come from a place deep within me.Although I of course still have all the dreams and desires of material things and achievements within my life on an outer level that I want to achieve i.e I have ambitions in music, relationships, travel, experience, wealth, health and many more. These are not the attributes I rely on to define who I am as a person. These are mearly experience's, moments , achievements or dissapointments within my euphoric adventures on this earth.They do not in anyway affect WHO I AM as a person within. Since this realisation has been struck within me I am now able to view everything from a totally different point of view.When nothing is taken so personally I am free to view and experience the world as it is and as it happens without fear of rejection or failure or any other way of losing out in life (as I am of course the only person responsible for who I am as a person inside).This in turn creates a massive surge in positive emotions continuously with everything I do and in turn seems to create positive outcomes with everything I do. ( and funnily enough when there isnt a direct positive outcome but rather one that seems the opposite, I still keep this frame and it seems to then be just part of a cycle that leads to a more major positive outcome).Often just taking it as it is keeps you open to the positive that is still to come.
Now to anyone who has experienced extreme pain, loss, dissapointment, frustration or change may feel as though of course this was out of their control and how can it just be reframed as a part of a whole positive experience. And I whole heartedly feel from where you are coming from. Unfortunately though whatever emotions you experience on the inside are actually in your control ( or should i say fortunately) and so change from within is a first step to change on the outside.
So this is where alot of where I am and who I am at this point in my life has come from.
It looks like I have a tendency to ramble so I'd say there will be alot more to come.

and so the story begins...

Hey welcome to my blog Euphoric Adventures. This blog is basically just a personal diary of the adventures and crazy shit I get up to in my life and a place for me to collect my thoughts in writing and digress on whats happening in my life so I can progress and improve on the areas within my self that I want to grow and expand upon. It will be my thoughts and experiences based upon spirituality, society, communication, social dynamics, health, progression, art, music, travel and life in general as I see it and experience it. I have come to a point in my life where I am focused on becoming the best person I can evolve to be and want to take my life and experiences to new levels of enjoyment and fulfillment.This blog will be raw, real and explicit. My life as it happens. Hopefully in recording these experiences and reflecting upon them I can help myself learn and progress in a much quicker and accurate way.
I basically feel as though life is a series of euphoric adventures and mine will be shared here.