Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back To The Future

Alright im back on the playing field...spelling mistakes because i type fast and cant be fucked correcting...i know what i mean!!

Its nearly 2010!!! yep iv barely updated this in a year...what am i doing??? have i forgot the power of reflection..so it seems..
so im back!!

been in sydney nearly all year...its been good..learnt a lot...more than i would realise....basically on top of alot of net marketing sutff and it will be really startin to come together very soon...i will surprise myself son i can tell.
Sam goes with my health and pickup type shit..
feeling healthier than i have in ages and it will expand till i reach the tultimate goals i have...I can basically see everything that iv wanted to achieve slowly coming into fruition and the more i see that more i realise im getting there and it is beyond huge!!!
creating the life i want...wow...amazing!!

alright my music is gettuing there...just to need to touch up some songs... i can clearly see the pathway that needs to be taken on all levels of what iw ant to achieve...like so clearly...its right there

music: get the words finished and do some recordings, then market with the skills i have over then net and slowly buld confidence with playing...so simple.

wealth: basically know how to internet ,arket just have to take more action and get mor esites up si can test and track and fix all the bugs ou till im earning the income i want...its not hard...then learn to outsource everything to auoptpilot...tim ferris style.

health: I'm nearly there, with extra care on what i eat and respect for my body i can really achieve what i want pretty easily...

pu: my understanding is thorugh the roof and the more i get confidence and remember i cant help having ten game i will see amazing results...i just need to flow with what i know and get more experience...too easy.

travel: start next year, set up so i can live on the road and still create wealth and a life i desire...these skills and learning have been working up to this...even though i can now see it is all a part of it...i coudl have done it better and smarter but its kinda gone how it had too...iv been patient with the right eares and worked hard in others in the meantime and it is starting to pay off...i can see the possibilites...windwos and doorways are opening...taking action and creating the results will let me achieve unbeleivable things i never dreamed of...i truly belive this!!!!

I am truly goin to very soon start hitting the life iv been working for!!! this is crazy shit man...it is really coming together well...it will be way beyond what i cld have scopped for!!! i love my friends and family and need to respect and admire them more. Keep in contact with the ones i truly resonate with and keep them as life long friends...although i truly feel anyone i become friends with it is for life!!!

I need to get partners in more things i do!!! Most things i do!! I can see this now!!! it is really huge in making progress. iv always read it but overlooked it due to greed maybe and wanting to be number one...ego then...it has made me want to be the single succesgful person rather than realising that true success is shared and can never be single anyway.

My mind is strong and understands what needs to be done and how to handle ups, downs and plateaus.

There are many achievements in my life and i feel my balance is starting to emerge.

I'm learning to give value again and it feels good. I still have trouble with doing it for reasons of gain rather than just because it will help the other person...i will continue to grow with this though.

I'm learning more and more everyday to not give a fuk what anyone thinks bcause it just doesnt matter. I know who i am. I know the value i give. I know what i can achieve and what im capable of. My opinion of myself is strong.

Im creating the life iv dreamed of day by day and i wont stop...the journey is my success!!!!

Its about lifestyle desing and learning how to manage and push it to where and how you want it to unfold..I am in control!! With what i choose i create the success of my life..my journey..

2010 wil be bigger than any year so far...it will have major breakthroughs and major epiphanies...my biggest ones to come are in letting go more and realising to take it as it comes and that i dont have an answer for things....sometimes there is no answer. letting it be is what it is...nothing is ever exact...only probable..or likely...you can increase odds but neverr make anything exact or forever or perfect.
accept this and embrace this and life has a new perspective...liberating!!

2009 has seen me grow a lot even if it wasnt in massive obvious ways...a kind of plateau year compared to 2008 where things just exploded in my perceptions of life and the world.

I can already feel 2010 building with huge energy and just massive progress and momentum in where i want to go and who i want to be...it is beaming from me and acheing to break free.

Things are about to start calibrating massively and the results will flow. With time and patience comes wisdom. Wisdom is strange in how it is usualy just a changed perception of the same things. You see what you couldnt before. So obviously. Usualy becasue your ego dissaptes and stops clouding your judgement.

Listen, take action, learn, listen and take more action. The skys the limit. x

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